Sadleir Public School

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Telephone02 9607 8201


We are now taking enrolments for Kindergarten 2018

Visit our school office to pick up an enrolment package or to arrange a tour of the school.

 Why choose Sadleir?

  • Smaller class sizes
  • Air-conditioning
  • Technology program including iPads
  • Interactive Whiteboards in all classrooms
  • Years 1-2 students have access to XO laptops
  • Community Language - Arabic
  • Extension and support programs
  • Extra curricula activities including PSSA sport, public speaking, dance, choir, excursions, camp, leadership programs and video conferences
  • Strong student welfare programs

Kindergarten is an important year of schooling as children formally begin to develop their literacy and numeracy skills. Our whole school community will help your child adjust to school and help them to feel comfortable.