Sadleir Public School

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About our school

Our vision is to provide all students with pathways to success through equity and excellence in education within a safe, inclusive and engaging learning environment.

In the early years this means having confidence that each child will be known and understood, and their individual potential developed. As students' progress, it means knowing that they are supported as increasingly self-motivated learners and creative confident individuals, with personal resources to equip them for future success and wellbeing.

As a school community, the collective goal is to provide a rich educational environment that supports the consistent improvement of student outcomes.

Sadleir Public School has a P-6 student population of 292 with approximately 65% from families where a language other than English is spoken at home. The school has 13 classes and a sessional preschool which caters for a maximum of 20 students each morning and afternoon. There is also a Year 3-6 IM support class for students with a mild intellectual disability. The Ingleburn/Liverpool Assistant Principal Learning and Support team is based at the the school. Sadleir is participating in the National Partnershipon Low Socio-economic Status School Communities and receives Equity Funding.


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